Investigate the magic of the symphony orchestra with the Fort Bend Symphony Orchestra at their annual children’s concert! The Orchestra Games, by composer Gregory Smith, lays out the sections and instruments of the orchestra in an Olympic Games format. Hear each symphonic instrument in events such as the low-note limbo, the glissando slide for life, the fast note dash, the marathon, and many others! 

The second work is Mr. Smith’s Bowl of Twelve Notes, also by composer Gregory Smith. An intrepid narrator interrupts a concert to take you through the different periods of music history, all alike in using only twelve notes! He then tells the story of how he came to be at the concert with music from all of the time periods. It’s a wild ride through history, one note at a time!  

Join FBSO Players for an instrument petting zoo after the concert.

FREE! No tickets required.

Rossini Barber Overture Excerpt from the Our Hearts Are Whole Again! virtual concert, August 2021.

Corporate Sponsors

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The Fort Bend Symphony Orchestra and Chorus is funded in part by the Texas Commission on the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts.

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